Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Bakrid: Goat traders use social media for sales

In Varanasi, two goats named Salman and Shah Rukh have created a ruckus on the social media platform. The white colored long-haired goat remains the center of attraction. Shakeel Ahmed, owner of these two goats, says he is asking Rs 1.50 lakh for each goat. Because of their beauty, children at home named them Salman and Shah Rukh. Ladakhi goat is in demand. Although not everyone buys such goats. Those who are fond of their beauty buy such goats. Purvanchal's biggest market for sacrifice is used to be grounds of Beniabagh, in Varanasi but due to development work, this time the market has not been set up here. In such a situation, people are seen selling goats in small groups in different areas of Varanasi. At the same time some people are also using social media to sell goats. People are shaing photos and videos of goats on sale with their prices on social media and they are good response too. Eid al-Adha or Bakrid will be celebrated tomorrow i.e., Wednesday, 21 July 2021. On Bakrid, people of Muslim society sacrifice animals.

from Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/city/lucknow/covid-affect-bakrid-tomorrow-social-media-is-used-to-buy-goats/videoshow/84580931.cms
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